EROS ∞ Medicine Sacred Temple Night with Cacao Magic (6h)
Sex-positive and devotional. Supported by the sacred cacao plant we enter a magical space of sensual awakening. Exploring our wild innocent nature, our divinity and embodied connection. The space is safely held to give you permission to let go and let magic in! All is possible and nothing has to happen. You play from the place where you are at following the flow and openings which appear all around. It’s a soul journey, it’s a journey to the gardens of Eden.
Ecstasy is your birthright!
Undulate it from within, spread it in the body and radiate it into the world!
ALEKSANDRA (Poland) – a wild creative exploreress who prays in dance and love-making, visionary, polyamory activist, event-producer, MSc in Social & Cultural Psychology, ISTA PT graduate, former space-holder at Valle de Sensaciones Eros Lab, co-founder, facilitator and sacred sexuality priestess at EROS ∞ Medicine and newly born mother of gorgeous baby Noa Gaia. Dedicating her life to healing and transitioning towards the Next Culture and soul-embodied, blissful existence on Earth.
ANANDA (Israel) – known by some as ‚the most loving man‘, a father of two amazing children, co-founder of EROS Medicine. He tells about himself: „I lived my passion of dance – creating, performing and teaching – for 20 years. I pray my heart on the strings of guitar and the beat of djembe. The last 10 years my interest is spirituality and consciousness, practising Tantra and Sacred Sexuality. I am inviting my brothers and sisters to play freely and walk this earth with no fear, guilt or shame“.